Posts tagged "fujifilm":
Darktable for Fujifilm Cameras
You know what I like to see when I import photos from my Fujifilm camera into Darktable?
However, that is not the default. Darktable, like most raw developers, is camera-agnostic.
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- One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.
Which means that Darktable does not know about any Fujifilm-specific raw file metadata, such as crop, dynamic range modes, or film simulations. Thus what you'd normally see in Darktable is more like this:
Notice how all the DR200/DR400 images are underexposed by one and two stops, how the first JPG is a square crop, but the RAF is 3:2, how the color of the grass and the train are subtly different in RAF and JPG.
But thankfully, Darktable has a scripting interface for automating things. And what I've done here is a little script that uses exiftool to read the missing metadata from the RAF file and apply appropriate styles to get Darktable's default rendering close to the JPG.
Here's the lua script in its entirety:
--[[ fujifilm_auto_settings-0.2 Apply Fujifilm film simulations, in-camera crop mode, and dynamic range. Copyright (C) 2022 Bastian Bechtold <> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. --]] --[[About this Plugin Automatically applies styles that load Fujifilm film simulation LUTs, copy crop ratios from the JPG, and correct exposure according to the chosen dynamic range setting in camera. Dependencies: - exiftool ( - Fuji LUTs ( Based on fujifim_dynamic_range by Dan Torop. Film Simulations ---------------- Fujifilm cameras are famous for their film simulations, such as Provia or Velvia or Classic Chrome. Indeed it is my experience that they rely on these film simulations for accurate colors. Darktable however does not know about or implement these film simulations. But they are available to download from Stuart Sowerby as 3DL LUTs. (PNG LUTs are also available, but they show a strange posterization artifact when loaded in Darktable, which the 3DLs do not). In order to use this plugin, you must prepare a number of styles: - provia - astia - velvia - classic_chrome - pro_neg_standard - pro_neg_high - eterna - acros_green - acros_red - acros_yellow - acros - mono_green - mono_red - mono_yellow - mono - sepia These styles should apply the according film simulation in a method of your choosing. This plugin checks the image's "Film Mode" exif parameter, and applies the appropriate style. If no matching style exists, no action is taken and no harm is done. Crop Factor ----------- Fujifilm cameras allow in-camera cropping to one of three aspect ratios: 2:3 (default), 16:9, and 1:1. This plugin checks the image's "Raw Image Aspect Ratio" exif parameter, and applies the appropriate style. To use, prepare another four styles: - square_crop_portrait - square_crop_landscape - sixteen_by_nine_crop_portrait - sixteen_by_nine_crop_landscape These styles should apply a square crop and a 16:9 crop to portrait/landscape images. If no matching style exists, no action is taken and no harm is done. Dynamic Range ------------- Fujifilm cameras have a built-in dynamic range compensation, which (optionally automatically) reduce exposure by one or two stops, and compensate by raising the tone curve by one or two stops. These modes are called DR200 and DR400, respectively. The plugin reads the raw file's "Auto Dynamic Range" or "Development Dynamic Range" parameter, and applies one of two styles: - DR200 - DR400 These styles should raise exposure by one and two stops, respectively, and expand highlight latitude to make room for additional highlights. I like to implement them with the tone equalizer in eigf mode, raising exposure by one/two stops over the lower half of the sliders, then ramping to zero at 0 EV. If no matching styles exist, no action is taken and no harm is done. These tags have been checked on a Fujifilm X-T3 and X-Pro2. Other cameras may behave in other ways. --]] local dt = require "darktable" local du = require "lib/dtutils" local df = require "lib/dtutils.file" du.check_min_api_version("7.0.0", "fujifilm_auto_settings") -- return data structure for script_manager local script_data = {} script_data.destroy = nil -- function to destory the script script_data.destroy_method = nil -- set to hide for libs since we can't destroy them completely yet, otherwise leave as nil script_data.restart = nil -- how to restart the (lib) script after it's been hidden - i.e. make it visible again local function exiftool_get(exiftool_command, RAF_filename, flag) local command = exiftool_command .. " " .. flag .. " -t " .. RAF_filename dt.print_log(command) local output = io.popen(command) local exiftool_result = output:read("*all") output:close() if #exiftool_result == 0 then dt.print_error("[fujifilm_auto_settings] no output returned by exiftool") return end local exiftool_result = string.match(exiftool_result, "\t(.*)") if not exiftool_result then dt.print_error("[fujifilm_auto_settings] could not parse exiftool output") return end exiftool_result = exiftool_result:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") -- strip whitespace return exiftool_result end local function apply_style(image, style_name) for _, s in ipairs(dt.styles) do if == style_name then dt.styles.apply(s, image) return end end dt.print_error("[fujifilm_auto_settings] could not find style " .. style_name) end local function apply_tag(image, tag_name) local tagnum = dt.tags.find(tag_name) if tagnum == nil then -- create tag if it doesn't exist tagnum = dt.tags.create(tag_name) dt.print_log("[fujifilm_auto_settings] creating tag " .. tag_name) end dt.tags.attach(tagnum, image) end local function detect_auto_settings(event, image) if image.exif_maker ~= "FUJIFILM" then dt.print_log("[fujifilm_auto_settings] ignoring non-Fujifilm image") return end -- it would be nice to check image.is_raw but this appears to not yet be set if not string.match(image.filename, "%.RAF$") then dt.print_log("[fujifilm_auto_settings] ignoring non-raw image") return end local exiftool_command = df.check_if_bin_exists("exiftool") if not exiftool_command then dt.print_error("[fujifilm_auto_settings] exiftool not found") return end local RAF_filename = df.sanitize_filename(tostring(image)) -- dynamic range mode -- if in DR Auto, the value is saved to Auto Dynamic Range, with a % suffix: local auto_dynamic_range = exiftool_get(exiftool_command, RAF_filename, "-AutoDynamicRange") -- if manually chosen DR, the value is saved to Development Dynamic Range: if auto_dynamic_range == nil then auto_dynamic_range = exiftool_get(exiftool_command, RAF_filename, "-DevelopmentDynamicRange") .. '%' end if auto_dynamic_range == "100%" then apply_tag(image, "DR100") -- default; no need to change style elseif auto_dynamic_range == "200%" then apply_style(image, "DR200") apply_tag(image, "DR200") dt.print_log("[fujifilm_auto_settings] DR200") elseif auto_dynamic_range == "400%" then apply_style(image, "DR400") apply_tag(image, "DR400") dt.print_log("[fujifilm_auto_settings] DR400") end -- cropmode local raw_aspect_ratio = exiftool_get(exiftool_command, RAF_filename, "-RawImageAspectRatio") if raw_aspect_ratio == "3:2" then apply_tag(image, "3:2") -- default; no need to apply style elseif raw_aspect_ratio == "1:1" then if image.width > image.height then apply_style(image, "square_crop_landscape") else apply_style(image, "square_crop_portrait") end apply_tag(image, "1:1") dt.print_log("[fujifilm_auto_settings] square crop") elseif raw_aspect_ratio == "16:9" then if image.width > image.height then apply_style(image, "sixteen_by_nine_crop_landscape") else apply_style(image, "sixteen_by_nine_crop_portrait") end apply_tag(image, "16:9") dt.print_log("[fujifilm_auto_settings] 16:9 crop") end -- filmmode local raw_filmmode = exiftool_get(exiftool_command, RAF_filename, "-FilmMode") local style_map = { ["Provia"] = "provia", ["Astia"] = "astia", ["Classic Chrome"] = "classic_chrome", ["Eterna"] = "eterna", ["Acros+G"] = "acros_green", ["Acros+R"] = "acros_red", ["Acros+Ye"] = "acros_yellow", ["Acros"] = "acros", ["Mono+G"] = "mono_green", ["Mono+R"] = "mono_red", ["Mono+Ye"] = "mono_yellow", ["Mono"] = "mono", ["Pro Neg Hi"] = "pro_neg_high", ["Pro Neg Std"] = "pro_neg_standard", ["Sepia"] = "sepia", ["Velvia"] = "velvia", } for key, value in pairs(style_map) do if string.find(raw_filmmode, key) then apply_style(image, value) apply_tag(image, key) dt.print_log("[fujifilm_auto_settings] film simulation " .. key) end end end local function detect_auto_settings_multi(event, shortcut) local images = dt.gui.selection() if #images == 0 then dt.print(_("Please select an image")) else for _, image in ipairs(images) do detect_auto_settings(event, image) end end end local function destroy() dt.destroy_event("fujifilm_auto_settings", "post-import-image") dt.destroy_event("fujifilm_auto_settings", "shortcut") end if not df.check_if_bin_exists("exiftool") then dt.print_log("Please install exiftool to use fujifilm_auto_settings") error "[fujifilm_auto_settings] exiftool not found" end dt.register_event("fujifilm_auto_settings", "post-import-image", detect_auto_settings) dt.register_event("fujifilm_auto_settings", "shortcut", detect_auto_settings_multi, "fujifilm_auto_settings") dt.print_log("[fujifilm_auto_settings] loaded") script_data.destroy = destroy return script_data
However, there's a catch: Scripts in Darktable can not modify darkroom state directly. But they can load styles. So to make the script work, we need to define a number of styles that do the heavy lifting here:
- Two styles
for the dynamic range modes that brighten the image by one and two stops, respectively (I like to use the Tone Equalizer like this). - Four styles
square ̲crop_landscape
andsquare ̲crop_portrait
andsixteen ̲by ̲nine ̲crop_landscape
andsixteen ̲by ̲nine ̲crop_portrait
that crop landscape/portrait images to 1:1 and 16:9 ratio. - One style for each film simulation you use:
,classic ̲chrome
,pro ̲neg ̲standard
,pro ̲neg ̲high
,acros ̲green
,acros ̲red
,acros ̲yellow
,mono ̲green
,mono ̲red
,mono ̲yellow
. The linked styles use Stuart Sowerby's Film Simulation LUTs as film simulations, which must be installed in$LUTs/Fujifilm XTrans III/$lut.3dl
Download a zip file with all the above styles here, and appropriately-renamed LUTs here. (This section will be revised once I finish building my own set of LUTs).
Then copy the lua script to ~/.config/darktable/lua/contrib/
, activate it in the script manager (bottom left in the lighttable), and it should automatically run whenever you import new Fujifilm raf files! (Start Darktable with darktable -d opencl
to see debug messages, and bind a keyboard shortcut to lua scripts/fujifilm_auto_settings
to trigger the script manually.)